🎤 Introduction

The OpenEdge Command Center (OECC) is an initiative to modernize and streamline the OpenEdge platform by creating a cloud-compatible, user-friendly experience. The aim is to consolidate various functionalities that are currently scattered across multiple applications, thereby reducing the learning curve and improving database management efficiency.

<aside> đź’ˇ Duration

Aug’23 - Nov’23 Wireframing**,**Research and Iterations

Mid Nov’23 - Oct’23 Development and Feedback


🔖 Objectives

<aside> đź’ˇ **Project Stakeholders

****Product Managers - 01

Designer - 01

Developers - 03


  1. Consolidate OpenEdge Functionalities: Integrate tools like OE, OEM, Data Dictionary, Database Admin, and command line tools into a unified platform.
  2. Simplify Database Management: Provide a straightforward, holistic navigation flow to reduce complexity and improve usability.
  3. Enhance User Experience (UX): Develop features based on user research and personas to ensure intuitive and efficient user interactions.

✍️ Design Process

Research and Analysis

<aside> đź’ˇ Competitive Analysis:

<aside> đź’ˇ User Surveys and Interviews:


This graph shows what people like most about OECC the tool that helps manage databases. Here’s what each bar graph means:

  1. Most people, about 53%, like setting up the database's starting rules.
  2. 40% people think it's important to keep the database safe by managing who can use it.
  3. 32% want to be able to make a new database from scratch.
  4. 25% like a feature that tracks changes in the data.
  5. 24% want the data to be encrypted, which means keeping it safe by making it unreadable to unauthorized people.