Hey, there. 👋

I'm a Product designer with 3 years of experience working with agile B2B startups. I am passionate about weaving stories through design and bridge creativity with functionality.

I enjoy exploring languages, binge-watching movies & TV series.I also indulge in mobile photography capturing moments of beauty that inspire my design ethos, blending art and functionality.

Image Orange Sweater.jpeg

Social Profiles: **dribble** **LinkedIn VSCO**

Contact: [email protected]

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✨ Glimpse of my work

💼  Project at Razorpay


I have created a product that not only met regulatory requirements to facilitate Secure Card Tokenisation but also significantly improved the overall user experience.

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💼  Project at Progress Software

Database Cover.png

The aim of this project was to Simplify Database Management to provide a straightforward, holistic navigation flow to reduce complexity and improve usability.

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💼 Personal Project